Poverty Truth Charter
What is Poverty Truth?
This charter has been developed by the members of Gateshead Poverty Truth Commission.
We’re a group of people who have come together to tackle poverty in Gateshead. We do
this differently because we bring together two different types of expertise; half of us are
people who have lived experience of poverty, while the other half are civic and business
leaders in Gateshead.
Together we’re working for change, recognising that the best change is always made with
people who experience hardship being invited around the table to think about the solutions.verty Truth Commission?
What is the Poverty Truth Charter?
One of the things that Gateshead Poverty Truth is trying to do is to build a network of local
businesses, charities and other organisations to join us in seeking to tackle poverty in
Gateshead. That’s why you’ve been invited to join this charter.
We’re asking you to partner with us by committing to:
1. Acknowledge that poverty exists in Gateshead;
2. Engage with those who experience poverty when we make decisions that affect them;
3. Recognise that everyone is human and deserves our respect and dignity.
As an organisation with a specific part to play, we also ask that you make a fourth pledge
which is what you can do to tackle poverty in Gateshead. For example, one of our partner
organisations has pledged to work to increase financial awareness in the community.
We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how you could undertake the
first three pledges of the charter, and develop the fourth pledge about your contribution to
tackle poverty in Gateshead.